March 2013

How to add agents

Realia implements special content type for storing agents called Agent. This content type provides basic fields for agents as name, bio, email, photo, etc. We recommend to fill all this field to provide as much information for your potential clients as possible. In demo content we are using special handmade images. If you want same images but with different photos open the packed PSD files and directly change the photo in the design. After that copy the layer and use our new handmade image in your theme.

Property management

For property managment we are providing custom Property content type. Property has a lot of custom fields. The most important fields are title (street), location, price and image. All other fields are optional but for better user experience we reccomend to fill all these fields. Longitute and latitude are quite important for user. With these two fields the user can see the exact position of property at the google map. Properties which have longitude and latitude are displaying in the big map on the homepage so user can see all properties on the front page.

Victoria Summer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor diam in quam molestie ullamcorper. Praesent a tellus massa. Nulla laoreet tempus congue. Praesent ut ultrices nunc. Etiam at libero sed turpis tempor placerat in eget lectus. Curabitur pretium, ante vel aliquam lacinia, ipsum felis hendrerit leo, ut aliquet neque odio at nisl.

Daniel Craig

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor diam in quam molestie ullamcorper. Praesent a tellus massa. Nulla laoreet tempus congue. Praesent ut ultrices nunc. Etiam at libero sed turpis tempor placerat in eget lectus. Curabitur pretium, ante vel aliquam lacinia, ipsum felis hendrerit leo, ut aliquet neque odio at nisl.

John Smith

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor diam in quam molestie ullamcorper. Praesent a tellus massa. Nulla laoreet tempus congue. Praesent ut ultrices nunc. Etiam at libero sed turpis tempor placerat in eget lectus. Curabitur pretium, ante vel aliquam lacinia, ipsum felis hendrerit leo, ut aliquet neque odio at nisl.

Adam Glassman

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor diam in quam molestie ullamcorper. Praesent a tellus massa. Nulla laoreet tempus congue. Praesent ut ultrices nunc. Etiam at libero sed turpis tempor placerat in eget lectus. Curabitur pretium, ante vel aliquam lacinia, ipsum felis hendrerit leo, ut aliquet neque odio at nisl.

John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor diam in quam molestie ullamcorper. Praesent a tellus massa. Nulla laoreet tempus congue. Praesent ut ultrices nunc. Etiam at libero sed turpis tempor placerat in eget lectus. Curabitur pretium, ante vel aliquam lacinia, ipsum felis hendrerit leo, ut aliquet neque odio at nisl.

Get the Cash

If you accept our offer, we will come out to the property and meet with you to work out the details. You have the cash in hand that you need and your home will be sold!

