So we are always looking for new creative ways to raise PRIVATE MONEY. When we put a property under contract it is time to get the ball rolling. We send emails, texts, sometimes certified letters, and on occasion Morse Code to our long list of Private Lenders. Everyone is busy so you have to constantly follow up. We put together a nice little package with comps, spreadsheets, scope of work, pictures, and a brief description of the property. We have a pretty good response rate and almost 99% of the time get funded on 1st position and 2nd position anywhere for a return from 8% - 12%. Our investors are very happy with us because we always pay them back and always invite them to come by and check out their investment anytime. We are not the guys you see on American Greed. Those are the guys that give investors a bad name.
We are always trying to come up with new ways to catch the eye of our Private Lenders (Old and New) and thought why not do a short cool video clip of the property. Put some music to it, walk through the property, show what we plan on doing and call it a day. And well this is what we came up with and so far it works like a charm. Hope you like it and feel free to reach out to us anytime......